Saturday, October 2, 2010

Proofreader needed

Poor spelling is one of my biggest pet peeves. I will use a completely different word if I'm not perfectly sure how the one I'm thinking of is spelled. I point out typos in newspapers. I use a red pen and correct typos found in books. (My own copies, not the library's or my brother's, of course. That would just be wrong.)

In case you didn't know, the word "looser" refers to something that is not taut or tight, not fastened, ie. more loose. It is NOT the same, nor is it interchangeable with the word "loser" which is, in fact, a term for a person, team or nation who is defeated or slang for a misfit. After the tenth time (I doubt it even takes 10) of reading the word "looser" when "loser" is intended, I basically want to tear my hair out and scream at the author. At the very least I want to offer my editing services pro bono.

Being the spelling Nazi that I am, here are a couple of shirts I found highly entertaining. You can find these shirts and more by clicking here.

This one is spelled wrong intentionally, and so it's funny.
This one, is not. There are two reasons I can never wear this T-shirt.
First of all, I am rude. Secondly, your insignificant... what? Seriously, what?
Some of you may not even know there's a problem with the following t-shirt. But it's there. And it makes me crazy!
Do you know what else probably annoys his wife? The fact that he doesn't know the difference between THEN and THAN!

No misspellings, I just really like this one.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love that last one too! It's a good thing we were in the same English classes. When people misuse their-there-they're it drives me NUTS and looser is a big one I see everywhere. I am glad someone finally said something...

(and the word verification for this is "pirnt" no joke!