Sunday, October 9, 2011 little football man...

I've never seen a little boy so excited about sports (so young) in general, but he especially digs football. He claps as soon as it comes on TV and watches happily with his uncle and his daddy. Not counting Cars, it's probably his favorite thing to watch.

Last week he went with us to the high school homecoming game. Here he is with his daddy, ready to go.
I found his super cute "Just try and tackle me" shirt in St. George while we were there a few weeks ago, I couldn't resist.
He sat on the steps with his cousins. (I wish I'd gotten a picture of him with Spencer who doted on him the entire time.)
He clapped, pointed, oohed and aahed enthusiastically nearly the entire game.
The rest of these pictures are how I found him tonight (In the super soft, comfy jammies bought for him by Uncle Jared) at Grandma's house. He was excited to see me, but only so long as I didn't interfere with the game. When I paused it, he squealed and kept squealing until I let him watch the game again. (As you can see, he's still pointing enthusiastically)

I don't know about you, but to me, this looks like the very picture of relaxation.

I love this little man. I can't help but smile when I see how his face glows. For football. For Cars, (which is why we've watched it no less than 50 times in the last week). At the discovery of so many things, new to him. Even in the depths of depression which still haunt so many of my days and nights, I can't help but smile. I thank my Father in Heaven every single day for my joyful, football watching, miracle boy.


Heather said...

I also love this darling little boy, about as much as I love his darling mom.

And I love these pictures. Cute! Cute! Cute!

verification: enessest

David said...

soccer is better