Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Insight from a hooker...

I've been thinking a lot lately (and not-so lately) about self esteem and body image. It's terrible how closely and how often the two are linked in our society of unrealistic role models with their perfectly air-brushed everything.

This thinking has had me thinking this morning, of a line from a movie. My mom is always teasing me because I know nearly every line of every movie I watch by heart, basically the first time I've seen it. I think, while she would use it differently, that she's secretly jealous of my freakishly, amazing memory recall.

Here's the scene, pay close attention to the last line, it's the most important:

Vivian: People put you down enough, you start to believe it.

Edward Lewis: I think you are a very bright, very special woman.

Vivian: The bad stuff is easier to believe.

-- IMDb Quotes: Pretty Woman (1990)

How true it is that we begin to believe what is said, and how sad that in my case (and I suspect a great many others' as well) I am usually the first and loudest proponent of my own "bad stuff."

Despite my husband's valiant efforts to convince my over and over of my beauty and self worth, I'm bombarded with "bad stuff" making it difficult to ignore.

Today, I'm going to make a goal to think and say more good stuff about myself.

I hope you'll do the same for yourself.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Emnacnud said...

Val, you are a great person, and I am glad that I know you. Thanks for this post, so true and sad. I am trying to teach my little girl who has a hard time with empathy (not unusual for a 6 year old) to try and find everyone's beauty see others as God sees them, this is oh so true for us too see what God sees in us, it is much easier to improve when you like who you are then it is when all you see is negative. YOU are awsome. hey go watch the "validation video" on youtube, it is wonderful.