When referring to the Savior's atoning sacrifice, we often remember it as a sacrifice for sins. We forget, I forget, that His perfect sacrifice did more than pay the price for sin. He also experienced pain in all its forms so that we might turn to him for all our problems.
The perfect thing about a perfect atonement, no one, no matter what the sin, no matter what the trial, is exempt from it! So, if you're feeling like no one understands how you feel,(and trust me, I've been there... I'm there now!) He knows.
For our benefit, the poet wrote:
In golden youth when seems the earth
A summer-land of singing mirth,
When souls are glad and hearts are light,
And not a shadow lurks in sight,
We do not know it, but there lies
Somewhere veiled ’neath evening skies
A garden which we all must see—
The garden of Gethsemane. …
Down shadowy lanes, across strange streams
Bridged over by our broken dreams;
Behind the misty caps of years,
Beyond the great salt fount of tears,
The garden lies. Strive, as you may,
You cannot miss it in your way;
All paths that have been, or shall be
Pass somewhere through Gethsemane.