Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to spoil your husband in 4(ish) easy steps (G rated)

Step 1: Bake a Ninja Turtle cake for his birthday, outline with chocolate frosting.

Step 2: Pipe in and smooth eyes and tongue.

Step 3: Using the color for his favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, pipe in stars for the mask.

Step 4: Use green frosting and pipe stars in to fill out the rest of the turtle's green skin.

Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of my happy birthday boy with his cake. I'll have to remember that next time. (I doubt I'll be making another one just so I can get a picutre!)


kenna said...

Seriously. I am quite impressed.

I can't even make a normal cake, let alone something that kick ass.

Karen said...

Incredible work! (I like the step-by-step photos, too.) Perhaps I'm feeling slightly guilty now that my mom is making Rusty's bithday cake. I am the one, however, that is going to stick on the Wall-E icing decorations and candles! ;)

Jen Nelson said...

Shut up!! That is the coolest thing ever!
Your husband is super lucky!!

Megan said...

Awesome cake!

Thanks for the email. We are also (obviously) SO excited.

Little did we all know when we were younger how much pain would accompany our adult journeys, did we. Thank God for youthful oblivion and the eventual miracles.