Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Equality, the new double standard.

Exhibit 1) A man called the police department to complain that a police officer was "flying up and down the road." He said that if it was Officer A. he would not make a complaint, but if it was either Officers B. or C. he would sign a complaint. All three of the officers named were female. And he only wanted to make a complaint if it was a female.

Nothing says "I demand equality!" like calling to complain that it's not fair for officers to speed when they pull other people over for speeding, while only being willing to complain on certain officers.

Exhibit 2) Similarly, we have people call in reckless drivers frequently. And increasingly the first thing they say when I ask what is wreckless about his driving is, "He's driving so fast, I'm going 100 and I can't keep up with him!" So it's okay for you to drive 25 miles over the speed limit if you're trying to catch him? Do we let you off because you are a do-gooder? No, we don't. After I tell them to slow down so I don't have two idiots on the road, typically I ask what color and type of vehicle they are driving. I figure if we can't catch the first idiot, we can certainly catch the second!

It might not be exactly the same, but it reminds me of a joke. A child slaps his brother and his dad walks over to him and, as he slaps him across the face, says "Hey, we don't hit in this family!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I thought maybe number one was me, but since I am the only female out here, I'm assuming it wasn't. I do love though that I am told, quite frequently,that the only reason that I pulled someone who I have never met over for traveling 60 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, near a school, I have something personal against them and I just like to give tickets to white people because I'm racist against whites... Weird...