Monday, August 24, 2009

Belly badge light!

Saturday morning Heavenly and I were watching cartoons with my nephew Coco. I was excited when Heavenly told me They were watching Care Bears. I'll admit they don't look the same, graphics have come so far and yet, new Care Bears look much less like bears. Is it a difference in graphics, or could it be that cartoonists now are much more concerned about the quantity of work they produce to trifle with quality?

Aside from my annoyance at the lack of detail put into the new age excuse for Care Bears, I had a much bigger problem. Instead of the classic and irreplaceable "Care Bear Stare!" they work together by saying "belly badge light!" and I'm thinking, what's up with that? Who is it that grew up wanting to be a cartoonist, inspired by the classics, and thought it would be a good idea to ruin every cartoon I hold dear? Who does that?

At least the REAL shows are coming to DVD so I can enjoy them in all their vintage splendor.


Sarah said...

I totally agree! All the good ones are gone. I make my kids watch the old ones and my kids think I am crazy for liking them but then I sound like my mom and talk about "When I was your age" and immediately hate myself.

Heather said...

Can I just say I love you. You make me smile.