Sunday, August 30, 2009

Has it really been 2 years?

Tomorrow Heavenly and I are going to see my friend who is finally home from his mission. I can't believe how fast time flies! I guess since Heavenly and I just celebrated our 2nd anniversary I should have realized it was coming soon. After all, he came to our sealing just before he left.
Kyle, Chad and Jake had a surprise gift for me, and even got Heavenly in on the action. Kyle and Chad played and they all sang "Dream" by The Everly Brothers. The only time I teared up the entire day.

Kyle also sat at the guest book at our reception.

I still remember being nearly as excited for him to be there as I was that I was getting married. Ours was the first sealing he'd ever been to and he was so excited to be in the temple that day.

Thank heaven for wonderful friends!

(Yes I understand how pathetic it is that I've written about my friend coming home from his mission before I've done anything about my anniversary... such is life.)

1 comment:

kenna said...

Yaya for good friends being home. Not yaya for other things concerning his homecoming.