Thursday, August 13, 2009

A stellar performance!

Last night (or should I say early this morning) I watched the Perseid meteor shower with my mom, my husband and my niece and nephews. (Even my dad woke up for the last of our intergalactic viewing) When it didn't start until midnight I wondered whether the kiddos would even make it. They were excited by the prospect of seeing a meteor shower and completely undaunted at the task of staying up several hours past their bedtime! We went outside just before midnight and saw beams of light streak through the sky almost immediately.

I don't know if I'll ever be more entertained watching a meteor shower again, that's the benefit of such adorable company! Each of the kids watched in their own way.

Coco(2) made it until just before midnight when he fell asleep listening to "Strawberry Shortcake and the Deep Dark Woods" for the third time in a day. He spent the time asleep with Grandpa on his bed. I don't think a meteor shower would have been very impressive to a 2 year old.

Mashuga(6) and I started by laying on top of the patio table with the others gathered around on comfy patio chairs. Then soon found ourselves cuddled up together on blankets spread across the cool summer grass. Mashuga (6) was so excited he could hardly contain himself (which is how he is about everything that excites him!) and he saw meteors that were naked to the un-six-year-old eye. Aside from the meteors the rest of us saw, he pointed randomly this way and that as balls of fire dashed across the sky of his own imagination. He talked animatedly and his plethora of "What ifs..." about whether the meteors were really UFOs or what we would do if those same UFOs landed inches above Grandma's house could be heard throughout the entire show. (And perhaps throughout the neighborhood too.) Mashuga was the only one who made it as long as the adults and I think he made it on sheer willpower. He spun circles on the patio table trying to see in every direction so he wouldn't miss a meteor. He would sit still only so long before zooming across the yard for "pretend fights" with the solar light that was still alight.

Scud(8) made it a few minutes before heading back into the house to veg in front of the TV some more. Then he moaned and groaned when Grandma made him come outside with everyone else. His protests continued as he laid on the grass, wrapped like a burrito in his favorite blanket. "This is boring... I'm bored... I want to watch TV!" We all made it perfectly clear that his only other option was to go inside and go to bed so he stayed begrudgingly. When his cries of boredom could no longer be heard I checked and found him fast asleep. I think he enjoyed the meteors he did see, but the waiting was more than he could stand.

Kaitybean(11) was enthralled and thoroughly enjoyed the entire thing. She's getting so old and getting to be such good company. The in between time was no big deal for her, she watched the twinkling stars and talked happily about the sounds of the rushing August breeze as it swirled through the yard and blew the blanket over her, obstructing her views. When the first blanket became "too crowded," she brought more and invited me to share. I left Mashuga cuddling with Heavenly (and insisting he wasn't cold) and laid with Kaitybean for a different view. While we watched the sky with anticipation she talked about germs and wondered whether germs had their own germs, and what if we were really only a tiny speck to others? (The fact that I'd watched "Horton Hears a Who" with Coco earlier that day made this prospect much funnier.) I left her on the ground to resume my watching by Mom in the patio chairs and her inquiries became quieter and quieter until we realized she too was asleep on the lawn.

This particular meteor shower may happen every year, but my experience was once in a life time.

1 comment:

kenna said...

I ALWAYS miss this blessed event.
