Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Writer's block

This is my phenomenal sister, whom I affectionately call Haha!

And this is the certificate she got for winning a national poetry contest.
And now maybe you know why I have just a bit of writer's block. How do you compete with such incredible talent?

The truth is: You don't!

I learned long ago that it was no good to compare myself to her. It's not that I think I can never measure up to her. (although literarily speaking... I'll never compare! Is literarily even a word? Oh well, it is now!)

We're just different. Wonderfully, beautifully, uniquely different.

I was once asked during an interview with a member of my bishopric which one of us is the better singer. I said, without a moment's hesitation: "We both are. We have completely different vocal ranges. She's a much better soprano, and I'm a much better alto."

(For having writer's block I'm rather wordy!)

Since she told me about her award I've been dying to write something about it. Something to tell you (my half dozen or so readers... if there are even that many) how wonderful she is. I'm always dying for others to know just how incredible she is, and for her to know how insanely lucky I am to be related to her. The words just never seem to be enough. (Especially now that I'm writing these lackluster words about a soon-to-be-published author!) But however inadequate it may be, I'd rather write it poorly than not tell her at all.

Congratulations to my beautiful, wonderful, spacey, terrific, brilliant, sensational sister! I'm so honored to be your sister. And even more blessed to have you as my friend.

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