Friday, September 4, 2009

Why are dumb people fertile?

Warning: The following post is really funny, but some people may find it gross. Read at your own risk. (it's not that bad, I'm just giving a heads up)

This morning I was flipping through tips on and ran across one that made me laugh. It was one of those questions that made me cock my head to one side and say "huh?"

"How can I tell the difference between fertile cervical fluid and sperm?"

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that if you don't know how to tell the difference, ie; sperm comes from a boy, you probably shouldn't be having sex and you DEFINITELY shouldn't be procreating!

Honestly, don't you think a better time to be checking the consistency of your cervical fluid would be BEFORE sex?

I'm just saying.

Of course, this person will probably have no problem getting pregnant and have plenty of children who grow up equally ignorant. You know, since this whole fertility thing is so fair and all.


Anonymous said...

Actually... that is a pretty common question because you can have semen "leftovers" the next day. Especially if you stay in bed right after and check every time you use the restroom, and are having sex every night.

Val'n'Ben said...

I actually understand the validity of the question. It just struck me very funny when I saw it.

Anonymous said...

We all ask what seem to others to be dumb questions at times but no one should be belittled because they do. Something you ask may seem just as dumb or silly to another but so what...the only way for any of us to learn IS to ask questions.

kenna said...


kenna said...
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kenna said...

I removed my last comment to correct some spelling errors, so here we go, round 2...or 3...

I knew before I was told that we had the same commenter on our hands. While they claim 'anonymity' I feel as if we either (a) really DO know them or (b) they are acquainted with someone who knows us.

Oh well though, right? Say whatever you want, it's easy when you don't have to own up to it I suppose.

Val'n'Ben said...

I like how I'm not supposed to belittle people for asking stupid questions and they have absolutely no problem making me feel bad for expressing my opinion.

Unknown said...

Wow, seriously? This was the post that had "anonymous" all upset??? It's true that dumb people are fertile. (Not all fertile people are dumb though, just thought I should clarify.)
At school the other day a girl who is six weeks pregant was asking about taking prenatal vitamins and didn't know what to take. We told her to just take something with plenty of folic acid since that's so important in the first trimester. Her response? "I know, but I just don't want to take that much folic acid."
WHAT?!?!? Do you want a child with spina bifada instead? The folic acid isn't going to hurt you at all! Why in the hell don't you want to take folic acid?!?

I wanted to punch her in the face and tell her I would take her baby because she clearly doesn't deserve one.

Sarah said...

My distant cousin was getting married and actually was concerned that even though she had monthly cycles she was worried about having sex cause she didn't know if she had a vagina. "Here's your sign!"

I'm sure I have said stupid stuff too and I didn't even understand this post. Yep, I had kids. Yep, I can be ignorant. No offense taken!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Whoa, that was one nasty, hateful comment! Who are you to decide who does or doesn't deserve a baby???

Unknown said...

If you're not willing to take care of your body and that of your baby's, then you don't deserve a baby. I have no apologies for that.

Unknown said...

You'd want to punch her over a vitamin?? The amount of folic acid she needs is between her and her doc & none of your concern. And anyone with your quick, explosive temper is far better off without kids.

Val'n'Ben said...

If I had written a post about the very pregnant woman I saw smoking outside the grocery store the other day, I doubt anyone would have disagreed with me.

And yes, Ashley, thank you so much for clarifying. I do not think that all people who are fertile are dumb. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for a very smart woman.

Unknown said...

My first comment was written in anger. However, this particular girl hasn't been to see her doctor and did ask my advice about what vitamin she should be taking. What upset me was that she knew she needed folic acid but flat out admitted that she just didn't want to take it. I realize that it's much less extreme than the woman who is abusing drugs and alcohol during her pregnancy, but it seems like the same attitude to me. I don't have children, and possibly never will, but I guess that's for the best with my "quick, explosive temper."

Sarah said...

I was on bed rest at the hospital, trying very hard to keep my baby in, when my roommate had to go out and smoke every few hours. She came back in reeking (?) and I had to sit through it all! That is ignorant to me!

Unknown said...

Or she was selfish/just plain didn't care how it affected her baby.