Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I love Don Williams. I do. (but don't tell my dad!)

When we were younger my dad would make us listen to cassette tapes of Don Williams on long road trips. I can't remember now if the trips really were long or if the seemingly endless drone of classic country twang made them so. However long the trips I could think of nothing more pleasurable than yanking the cassette from its deck, crushing it and throwing it from the open window and watching as its ribbons streamed behind it like kite strings.

I think I was homesick and missing my daddy while perusing CDs at Walmart in Southern Utah when I came across an old familiar face. As my heart pined for home, my ears craved the hickory baritone of Country music's "Gentle Giant."

My parents took me to see Don Williams' farewell tour and while I may have been among the youngest in the audience, I sang along to every song. And I swooned with each make-your-heart-melt, rumbling note.

Of all the music on my iPod, lately I've found myself returning over and over to the romantic Country ballads I found so torturous in my youth. Perhaps it's still a chance for me to reconnect with my restless youth long gone. I suspect that his lyrics of love and devotion mean a great deal more to me now that I have someone who has left his own permanent imprintation of love and devotion on my heart.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Heather said...

Don't tell Dad, but I love Don Williams now too. A lot.

And I hated his music as much as you did way back when.