Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Have you read a good book today?

(Is anyone else singing or humming the Reading Rainbow theme song? He he he)

I just finished reading the very thought provoking "The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth" by Henci Goer. I have a stack of books I should read, I even have another stack of books I've been wanting to read, but none I'm actually motivated to read.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Anything at all. (Except my husband who is not allowed to suggest anything Star Wars)


Our Crazy Family said...

I have quite enjoyed the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. The Lightning thief was a really good book. I am currently reading the sea of monsters right now (it is the second book). I am also still reading The book Thief. It is SOOOooo good. I think that it is worth reading. Do you happen to be on Good reads??

Val'n'Ben said...

My husband is so cute... I have all but the very last book in the Percy Jackson series all because he wanted to be able to talk to my nephew about them. My mom is currently reading the first, I'll have to check it out when she is finished.

Your brother was showing me Google Books last night at work... perhaps I'll poke around there and see if anything strikes my fancy.

Aarika said...

Right now I am reading Kerstin's book "Infertility Help, Hope, and Healing" I think you would enjoy it as much as I have.