Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wii had fun this weekend!

For his birthday Mashuga got coupons and one of those coupons was for a sleepover at our house. On our way home we met Grandma and Grandpa at Costco where Grandpa bought him a dinosaur book and a churro. Then we went with them to Olive Garden for dinner. Spoiled!! I was exhausted when we got home (having only had 2 hours of sleep after a graveyard shift) but luckily he has an awesome uncle who stayed up past his bedtime to ski jump on the Wii fit.

He played and played Wii fit on his own the next day with me before we headed to Grandma's house for breakfast. While we were there he bowled with Grandpa on the Wii. (and kicked Grandpa's butt I might add with a nearly perfect score!)

Mashuga wanted to go swimming. Actually, he wanted to go swimming twice because his dippy aunt made the mistake of saying she'd take him once while Heavenly was at work and then again when Heavenly got home. Ummm, I don't have that kind of energy, I don't know what possessed me to think I could do that! We had planned to wait for Heavenly, but instead I took him with Uncle Jar-bear to the pool. I think he liked having Jar-bear there, he doesn't play with us nearly as often as we'd like.

While Heavenly and I headed to the Jazz game, Mashuga opted to stay home and play more Wii with Grandpa and watch the game with Jar-bear on his big screen TV. I'd say this kid had enough Wii, but the pictures to follow will show you otherwise.
I got them both to take showers... then it was right back to the Wii!
Scud came home from the Jazz game with us even though we found out afterward that he had a talk in Primary. (Sorry Haha!) We even got Scud to get up and play Wii fit. Those who know him will know this is pretty spectacular.
Such handsome boys! Wii had a lot of fun this weekend, thanks Grandma for buying the Wii fit and balance board for Christmas. Now you know it gets used. (I use it too... I just don't want any pictures of that and neither do you!)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Thanks for being such a phenomenal aunt!

I love your new blog design, btw.