Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This Christmas I will...

I found a couple of quotes at www.lds.org about the true meaning of Christmas, something I think I've missed this year.

"For each of you may this be a merry Christmas. But more importantly, I wish for each of you a time, perhaps only an hour, spent in silent meditation and quiet reflection on the wonder and the majesty of this, the Son of God. Our joy at this season is because He came into the world. The peace that comes from Him, His infinite love which each of us may feel, and an overwhelming sense of gratitude for that which He freely gave us at so great a cost to Himself—these are of the true essence of Christmas." --Gordon B. Hinckley

"Christmas is more than trees and twinkling lights, more than toys and gifts and baubles of a hundred varieties. It is love. It is the love of the Son of God for all mankind. It reaches out beyond our power to comprehend. It is magnificent and beautiful." --Gordon B. Hinckley

And so, I will forgive myself, for taking the easy way out and buying a real tree instead of spending several hours putting up my gigantic artificial tree that I love so much. I will forgive myself for not putting all of my ornaments on the tree, and sticking with a sort of "Charlie Brown" look. I will forgive myself, for not putting out all of my decorations. And I'll forgive myself for not wrapping any of our presents, because this year we shopped together. I'll worry less, that I should have done more.

And this Christmas, instead of complaining that I have to drive in the snow, I'll be grateful to have a car that works well with a heater that works very well. And when I go to work on Christmas, while everyone else is at home opening presents, playing with presents, or spending time with family, I'll remember that there are many who are unemployed this Christmas. So I'll be grateful, because I still have a job.

Tonight when Heavenly gets home and complains again about how busy he was at work, I'll listen to him, and be grateful for such a wonderful husband who works so hard.

And before we go to bed tonight, we'll curl up in a blanket with some hot chocolate and read about the Savior's birth. And we can both be grateful for Heavenly Father's gentle reminder of what this season is really about.


Sarah said...

Beautiful post Val! It is true and it seems days go by quicker and quicker and we don't spend time in the "now" and really think about why we have Christmas.

There are so many things to be grateful for, no matter a persons situation. Thank you for the reminder!

Heather said...

Thanks for the reminder. Beautiful, beautiful words.