Saturday, March 21, 2009

One man's trash is another man's treasure!

Heavenly and I went to DI to see if we could find a treasure. It's a Hugga Bunch doll!! His name is "Tickles." He doesn't have his original clothing, in fact as you can see he doesn't have any clothing, when I saw him though I just had to have him! I've been looking everywhere for The Hugga Bunch Movie on DVD, I'd even settle for VHS if I could find it! In fact that's what I am usually looking for when we go to DI, I search through the movie section to see if any child of the 80s has parted with their copy.

Heavenly has always wanted a bowling pin, I don't know why and I don't think he knows either, he just thinks it would be really cool. One time we actually saw one there, but unfortunately it was already in the cart of an old lady. (I don't think it would have looked very good for Heavenly to be seen wrestling with an elderly woman!) We didn't find a bowling pin, but I did find some cool stuff.
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