Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Be ye not afraid, be ye faithful

First of all I have to thank my wonderful sister who let me copy and re-post her thoughts for all of you to see.

Secondly, I wish to add my own to what she has so eloquently written. I've heard many different theories about the way our country is heading. These tough economic times are certainly in the forefront of many minds. The inauguration of a new president will not end the debate sparked by years of campaigning.

Barack Obama IS my president and he will have my support. The country did not come to this downfall under his doing and it is unwise to think that he will restore us to the security we've taken for granted for so long. The battle will be long and hard, the same would be true if John Mcain or Mitt Romney were now in his position. If you remember back to 8th grade (I realize for some of you this will be difficult!) or whenever it was you last studied American history, we are governed by a three part system. Checks and balances was designed so that no one branch of government could be given too much power. You may not agree with Barack Obama, but as president he still has to answer to the Judicial and Legislative branches.

The founding fathers were instruments of our Heavenly Father in designing a country where His gospel could be restored and where the church now thrives in these latter days. Heavenly Father will not allow any man to destroy what He has built for His purposes.

As a Live Coal (by Haha)

"But all the wickedness in the world which man may do or think is no more to the mercy of God than a live coal dropped in the sea." -- William Langland

I've thought to write several posts today. One about body image that I really want to get to. One appropriate to election day that touts my feelings about federalism and the poor way we choose presidential candidates in our country and my misgivings about our two-party system.

But what's really been rolling around my head are thoughts of mercy, of salvation, of faith in a living God and in His son, Jesus Christ. I feel like this election cycle (aside from being WAY too long) has differed from many other elections I've witnessed in one way.

With everything that is difficult in our lives right now, it seems that so many people in our country are searching for a savior. Someone to lift them out of the toil and drudgery and uncertainty that come in a time of recession and war and urgent need. Whether it be a new congressman or a new president, it seems that people are in a frenzied search for someone to make everything better. To make it all right again.

But no matter who wins in the elections tomorrow, there will still be terrorists and foreign despots who threaten the freedoms we hold dear. Because we are not perfect in our compassion or wisdom, there will be those who are hungry, cold, poor, sick, despairing.

Simply put, because we are imperfect beings this world will continue to be riddled with imperfection.

Obama won't change that. McCain's putting of our country first won't nullify that truth. Nader won't invent a way out of it. A Baldwinian restoration of the constitution won't bring the solution. McKinney's careful plans won't pull us out, nor will Barr's restitution of personal freedoms.

But at the same time I face this immutable truth -- the fact that our continuing human imperfections make this world imperfect -- I am stilled and sure in the knowledge that all is as it should be. All will be well and it is this journeying and facing imperfection together that will teach us and shape us until we are all perfect beings.

Some might call me naive or foolish or superstitious. That is ok.

Because as this storm swirls and picks up momentum, I am standing steady and firm. I know who I am. I know why I am here. I know where I am going and how to get there.

I stand firmly with my Savior, Jesus Christ and know that no trouble in this world will ever touch me, really. Never permanently.

For all the imperfection in the world, all the sorrows and failings are to Him as nothing.

A live coal in the sea.


Patti said...

Hi Val, you don't know me but I'm Rick's/your father-in-law's sister, Patti. I saw your blog on Lisa's & Aarika's blog sites & enjoy reading now & then what you all post.

I loved reading your & your sister's comments especially her last words about standing steady and firm while the storms of life swirl & standing firm with the Savior no matter what comes.

Jen Nelson said...


Have I mentioned lately that I think you rock? No? Well - you rock!