Friday, January 23, 2009

Has anyone seen my keys?

I have major writer's block. No matter how hard I try or how important I feel the subject is, I just can't seem to formulate the right words to do justice to my feelings. As important as the topic is that's in the forefront of my mind, I'm not sure I'm ready to open myself up to such vulnerability.

Perfectionism in writing is both a blessing and a curse.

I figure writer's block is a lot like losing your keys. I'm hoping as soon as I stop looking for the right words to say, I'll find them in a place I least expected.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'll bet you're right! And you know, I've tried to teach the girls that when they lose something they should say a prayer, and the Lord will let them know where to look. And it always works! Do some praying and I'm sure the Lord will help you find your "keys"!