Monday, April 20, 2009

Something I like to do...

I picked up this copy of Family Circle Magazine because of the adorable pupcakes on the front. At the time my nephew called cupcakes pupcakes and he's always been obsessed with dogs so I thought it would be perfect.

It was October 2008 before my mom and I were brave enough to try these cute little pupcakes for ourselves. She came home on conference Saturday and we cleaned my kitchen and then went shopping for the necessities. They weren't nearly as difficult as we thought they would be, just time consuming and detailed. We had a ton of fun doing it.

Below are the pictures of our results. I think they're pretty darn cute!


kenna said...

Um, I'm gonna throw a bday party, and maybe for my bday you can make me some of these?

Val'n'Ben said...

I'll make some for your happy ass birthday party!

Sarah said...

Those are so cute! You and your mom are great at all of these kinda things.

Lisa said...

So cute! I love decorating cakes, but I haven't done anything that cool yet! Good job!

Heather said...

These were so much fun to make and easy enough that even I wasn't too intimidated.