Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No hope for the future...

I answered a 911 call and a timid little voice on the other end of the line said, "There's a car outside that wrecked, can you come fix it?"

"There's a car outside that's wrecked?" I confirmed, "How did it get wrecked?"

"It wrecked into a fence." She said matter of factly.

"A car wrecked into a fence, is anyone hurt?" I questioned.

"Uh-huh. Can you come fix it?"

I started a call on my screen of a car accident and at this point felt like I needed to get some more information and hopefully talk to an adult.

"Can I talk to your mommy or your daddy?"

"She told me not to stay on too long." Click.

When I called back it was an older gentleman who answered the phone. I informed him that a cute little boy or girl had called 911 and said there was a wreck, that a car had crashed into a fence outside of the house and people were hurt.

"There's a car wreck in front of the house? Hang on, let me see." (Um, not exactly what I expected.) When he got back to the phone he told me there was no car wreck in front of the house or anywhere that he could see, so I explained to him that it was a child who had called and perhaps it was just a prank. So he told me his granddaughter was there and perhaps it was her, "Here, can you tell her mother what you just told me?"

Another voice got on the phone, I explained again how her imaginative little girl had called 911 and told me that a car had wrecked into a fence in front of the house and people were hurt.

"Oh, I didn't even know she knew the number for 911," was her reply.

When I have a more intelligent conversation with a 5 year old than I do with her mother, I worry about the future. Or, maybe it means I should worry less about the future and wonder how that little girl came to be as bright as she is with such little help.


Heather said...

This just made me laugh.

And it made me glad that, in their experimental 911 calls, my children have never come up with an imaginary car accident to report.

Sarah said...

Very nice. People scare me. I think I have scared my children to only call when something really DOES happen that they would never think of that.